Addiscombe Environmental Consultants Limited

Transportation Noise

Transportation is undoubtedly the noise source that affects more people in the world than any other and, as the number of journeys taken continues to rise, transportation noise and vibration is set to be a significant issue long into the future. Roads, railways and aircraft movements can all generate significant impacts.

We use state-of-the-art noise modelling software capable of modelling even the most complex scenarios and producing high quality graphical noise mapping.

Proposed scheme layouts can be assessed for their noise impact and comparisons of different scheme options can be assessed. Mitigation options can be assessed at the design stage and cost-benefit analysis can be undertaken.

Assessment of proposed road schemes can be undertaken in accordance with DMRB, and eligibility under the Noise Insulation Regulations and Land Compensation Act can be assessed.

Existing scenarios can also be modelled and possible mitigation options can be assessed, together with associated cost benefit analyses. Where noise-sensitive development is to be located near to existing transportation noise sources, mitigation options can be evaluated for incorporation into scheme design.

The very latest noise and vibration measurement instrumentation is available to allow the most appropriate and cost effective approach to noise and vibration survey work to be adopted. Unattended and attended survey work can be undertaken quickly and effectively.