Noise generated by industrial and commercial premises can impact on residential and other noise sensitive receptors.
Noise generated from existing industrial and commercial premises can be measured and evaluated in order to determine whether a problem exists. If noise control is required, we can undertake a detailed analysis to identify the sources that require treatment and can assess potential options, including undertaking a cost-benefit analysis. We can also provide expert representation in defence against Noise Abatement Notices.
Where new industry or commerce is to be introduced into an area, an environmental impact assessment is generally required as part of the planning process and this will often include a requirement to assess the noise impact. Certain processes will also require a permit under the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Regulations. Through our network of associate consultants, we can provide advice and assessment for practically all environmental issues.
Baseline noise levels are generally established by monitoring, and this could be a combination of attended and unattended noise surveys. Noise modelling can be used to calculate noise levels generated by the new industry and the noise impact can be determined. The noise model can then be used to assess the efficacy of various noise control options.
Industrial noise also affects personnel working in the premises. Employee noise exposure can be assessed for anything from an individual employee up to the entire workforce. Click here for more information about noise at work.
Click here for further information on noise and planning.
Follow this link for more information on our services to the Oil and Gas/Petrochemical industry.
Our recent industrial and commercial projects include:
- Network Rail – Southern Power Upgrade
- Port Louis Power Station, Mauritius
- Huntstown Phase II CCGT, Dublin
- Thameport, London
- Nando’s
- King’s College Hospital
- Abbey Mills Pumping Station
- BP – Redevelopment of numerous filling station sites
- Aweer Power Station, Dubai
- Ras Laffan Common Seatwater Cooling, Qatar
- Costco – Bristol
- Various – Proposed Air-conditioning Units