Noise generated by construction activities can be significant and, for large projects, may last for lengthy periods. This can therefore lead to considerable impacts on adjacent residential properties or other noise sensitive developments. The impacts may be greater still if the works must be carried out during the evening or night-time, when people are generally more sensitive to noise.
Construction noise calculations can be undertaken using our powerful in-house software modelling capabilities. This allows possible mitigation options to be assessed prior to commencement on-site and the effects of using different plant/techniques or reprogramming to be assessed.
We have an extensive database of noise levels for various types of plant and activities, based on measurements that we have undertaken during numerous site visits. We are familiar with construction techniques and can advise on alternative plant and techniques that may be used to control noise.
In the United Kingdom, construction noise is governed by the Control of Pollution Act (CoPA) (1974). Section 60 of CoPA allows Local Authorities to take action where they consider that noise from construction is, or is likely to, constitute a statutory nuisance. Section 61 of CoPA allows a person to apply for “Prior Consent for Works on Construction Sites” and that person must demonstrate he will operate Best Practicable Means (BPM). Once a Local Authority has given Consent to the works under Section 61, it cannot then serve a notice under Section 60. Follow the link for comprehensive guidance on CoPA.
We are experienced in the production and submittal of applications for the “Prior Consent for Works on Construction Sites” under Section 61 of the Control of Pollution Act and can provide guidance on the steps which must be taken to ensure that Best Practicable Means (BPM) is being operated.
Noise and/or vibration monitoring is often required for construction activities, for example to demonstrate compliance with noise or vibration limits. We can provide a broad range of monitoring solutions, which can be tailored to meet the requirements of clients and the local authority. These may include long-term unattended noise and vibration monitoring and attended monitoring. With our partner, Enbox, we can provide a real-time web-based monitoring system designed specifically for construction sites.
We have recently been involved with the following construction projects:
- Crossrail Contract C512 – Whitechapel Station
- Crossrail Contract C530 – Woolwich Box
- Thameslink – Blackfriars Station and Bridge Refurbishment
- Bart’s Square, London
- Channel Tunnel Rail Link – Contract 570 (track and OLE installation)
- Docklands Light Railway – City Airport Extension and New Woolwich Thames Crossing
- East London Line
- Olympics Media Hub
- Kings Cross Redevelopment
- West Cost Main Line – Route 7 and Route 12 Track renewals
- Network Rail Southern Power Upgrade
- Pitwines Gas Works – Poole
- Holmethorpe Relief Road Underbridge
- Knolly House – London.