Addiscombe Environmental Consultants Limited
Construction Noise

Noise assessments are often required at the Planning stage of developments that may generate noise, and noise-sensitive developments which may be affected by noise. Some developments, such as mixed use, fall into both categories.

Potentially noise generating developments often require a Noise Impact Assessment to be undertaken. This normally requires existing ambient noise levels to be established, typically by undertaking measurements, and the impact of noise from the development to be established. For large developments, it is often necessary to consider secondary effects, such as the impact of increased traffic on existing roads.

We undertake detailed noise modelling in order to calculate anticipated noise levels from the development. The noise model can also be used to assess the efficacy of various noise control options.

In some cases, a full Environmental Impact Assessment may also be required, covering other environmental issues as well as noise. We can manage the EIA process for you, and through our network of associate consultants, we are able to offer expert advice on practically all environmental issues.

Noise can also be a Planning issue when noise-sensitive development is proposed in areas that are subject to high noise levels, or are likely to be subject to high noise levels in the future. Current UK government guidance encourages the re-use of brownfield sites and these are often subject to higher noise levels than greenfield sites.

In the UK, Planning and Noise is currently guided the “National Planning Policy Framework”, “Noise Policy Statement for England” and “Planning Practice Guidance ID:30”.  AECL is fully familiar with these documents and the associated Standards and Guidance.

Internal noise levels within the proposed buildings can be calculated. For most buildings, the overall sound insulation performance of the building envelope will depend on the glazing system employed. It may be necessary to stipulate specific glazing and ventilation systems that must be employed to ensure that internal noise criteria are achieved. Most new residential development, once constructed, must have Sound Insulation testing undertaken in accordance with Approved Document E of the Building Regulations.

Should planning permission be refused, or unreasonable conditions attached, an appeal can be made which may take the form of written reports, an informal hearing or a formal Inquiry. We can provide expert evidence for the Appeal process and experienced Expert Witnesses for appearances at Inquiry.

Our recent Projects include:

  • Residential Site adjacent to the M3
  • South Thames College
  • Kings Waterfront, Liverpool
  • Noise and vibration assessments of various residential developments
  • Noise assessments of numerous BP filling stations
  • Phoenix Quarter, Lewis – Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Jumeirah Garden City, Dubai