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Addiscombe Environmental Consultants Limited

Crossrail – Whitechapel

Addiscombe Environmental Consultants Limited has been appointed by BBMV to act as their Noise, Vibration and Dust consultants on Crossrail Contract C512 – Whitechapel Station.

The project involves the construction of the new underground Crossrail station at Whitechapel, and linking this into the existing London Underground and London Overground stations, which are also being refurbished as part of the Project.

The Project presented a number of challenges, most notably due to the restrictions in working on and around a live railway.  Since London Underground and London Overground services continued to operate, much of the work could only be safely completed during Engineering Hours (at night), weekend possessions or longer blockades.  This meant noisy works were taking place at times when local residents were trying to sleep and relax.

AECL worked very closely with the main contractor (BBMV), sub-contractors, the Client (Crossrail) and Local Authority (London Borough of Tower Hamlets) to ensure that the project could be completed as efficiently as possible, while minimising the impact on adjacent residents.

Our services for this Project included:

  • Generating a complex 3-dimensional noise model to evaluate all construction activities
  • Preparing all Applications, Dispensations and Variations required under Section 61 of the Control of Pollution Act
  • Advising on noise control measures required to demonstrate Best Practicable Means
  • Determining those properties eligible for Noise Insulation and/or Temporary Rehousing
  • Installation and maintenance of a live web-based noise and dust monitoring system
  • Attended noise monitoring
  • Providing expert advice in response to complaints
  • Providing training on noise issues to site Supervisors and Operatives

AECL has the expertise and experience to provide construction noise, vibration and dust services on even the most complex sites.  Please contact us if you require any further details.