Acoustic and Noise Control Specialists

Addiscombe Environmental Consultants Limited has undertaken the noise control design for the Ivar Aasen Platform in the Norwegian Sector of the North Sea.
AECL was originally commissioned by Aker Solutions during the FEED phase of the Project and then retained by Wood Group Mustang who undertook the detailed design phase.
The noise control design included:
- Specifying noise limits for equipment and piping
- Noise modelling and analysis
- Specification of noise control
- Vibration and Structure-borne noise
- Reviewing Vendor noise and vibration data
- Specification of acoustic pipe insulation
- Input to design reviews
- Presentations to the PSA during audits
- Witnessing Factory Acceptance Tests (FATs)
- Commissioning noise measurements at the Yard during fabrication
As the Project was in the Norwegian Sector, the design was carried out to the stringent NORSOK Standards.
The Platform is now fully installed in the North Sea and has been in Production since December 2016.
AECL has the expertise and experience to undertake noise control activities at all stages of a Project, from Concept through to Production. Please contact us if you require any further details.