Addiscombe Environmental Consultants Limited

Impact testing in the context of noise and environmental assessment can refer to the general testing which takes place in order to determine the impact of an existing site or proposed development on their surroundings, or the specific Impact test which measures the sound insulation capabilities of a building. As environmental consultants AECL test for the impact of noise in a variety of business sectors.


Impact Testing In Construction


Construction sites generate significant levels of noise and therefore impact testing is necessary to determine whether noise control measures are required. This is especially important where sites are located in residential areas and when work is undertaken during the night.


Impact Test on Industrial/Commercial Premises


Industrial premises and other commercial sites can generate noise on a daily basis, as part of the manufacturing processes which their function requires. Residential areas can be negatively affected by this noise, as well as other noise sensitive receptors, therefore AECL can be called in to monitor levels and to advise on noise control solutions. There are many such situations where full environmental impact assessments are required. AECL are able to produce full assessments according to Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IIPC) regulations thanks to our network of associates.


Impact Testing for the Petrochemical Industry


Addiscombe Environmental Consultants Limited can perform impact tests to calculate the potential noise impact of new petrochemical developments.


Impact Testing in Planning


As with new Petrochemical developments any other potentially noise generating developments can be assessed by AECL for the impact of the noise created by both the construction and the completed structure. Other considerations will be incorporated into the noise assessment, such as the impact of increased traffic flow to the newly installed structure.


Impact Test for Sound Insulation Testing


The Impact Test seeks to determine the sound insulating properties of rooms separated vertically and works by a tapping machine dropping a series of weights onto the floor and taking noise measurements at various, specific points in the room below. This test is performed alongside airborne sound tests between horizontally and vertically separated rooms, as part of Pre-Completion Sound Insulation Tests required by UK Building Regulations. The measurements taken are compared against Approved Document E to check whether the sound insulation meets its requirements. If not, AECL will make recommendations for noise control.


Impact Testing for Transportation Noise


Transport noise affects more people than any other noise source and with increases in the number of vehicles on the road this situation is only going to get worse. Noise modelling software produces high quality graphical mapping and proposed schemes can be assessed for noise impact and the results used for mitigation options and cost-benefit analyses.


Case Studies